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From the very beginning of this project I felt the desire to package our EVO OIL in a special tin that would transmit the value of this product, its history, culture and the authenticity of the land from which it comes. I have always imagined in the future for our EVO OIL to speak to the world... imagining the journey of our tins to distant lands, messengers of an ancient history, born from the olive tree.
Initially, I had to choose some industrial ready-printed tins, which were
very nice but did not give recognition to our product and our philosophy.
From the very beginning I firmly believed that, certainly influenced by my Austrian and Northern European cultural background, our TINS had to remain in be reused, be given a new continue telling the story of our land...
My dream of having MY wonderfully recognizable tree came true, and there originated justpugliafactory’s OLIVE TREE.
I succeeded in this dream when I met Valentina D'Andrea, an illustrator and artist from Lecce: our Olive Tree was born, deeply rooted in the land. Our curious LEI, with a Mediterranean face, was born; our delicate and refined LUI was born and marked the beginning of justpugliafactory's collaborations with artists to create unique,
contemporary, and recognizable packaging that lives on in time.
Conscious consumption, sustainability and recycling/up-cycling, are for us key words, but above all are an ethic and a correct attitude in life, work and community. We choose to remain a small, artisan production that creates bonds and relationships with those who work with us and with those who choose our product. We enhance the territory by collaborating with local workers.
The production chain of our EVO OIL is short and controlled. Our OLIVE trees grow in a natural biodiversity. We reduced the use of PAPER, significantly diminishing the use of natural resources by screen printing our tins in limited edition . The packaging of justpugliafactory is created to be recyclable.
Our communication aims at a conscious lifestyle: even the essential can be beautiful and authentic. Nature is the direct source of inspiration for our work and our communication campaigns on social media inspire customers creativity to reuse and up-cycle our product.
This act of up-cycling promotes waste reduction and education on the sustainable use of everyday objects.
We love what we do and deeply respect Nature and the Land that makes
our work possible every day.
Copyright © 2020-2024 Agricola -justpugliafactory S.Romagnoli P.IVA IT08263521000
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justpugliafactory = sustainability